Powerpuff girl buttercup and butch
Powerpuff girl buttercup and butch

powerpuff girl buttercup and butch

Woo! Okay, so, this suddenly hit me today. "I guess so," Buttercup responded, grinning down at her counterpart with his equally wide grin. "Butch likes Disney, huh?" Bubbles asked, her voice still thick with sleep, but still very playful. She was probably grinning like an idiot as someone placed their head on her shoulder. She sang the last verse with Butch softly, Propping her head on her elbow, she let a small grin form on her face. It was…actually kind of cute that he was. And though her cheeks were blazing, Buttercup found herself enjoying the fact that he was serenading her. Butch paused in his briefly, but continued on, plowing through the song. Hearing someone get out of bed, Buttercup abruptly stopped singing. In fact, she even started singing with him on the next verse, ignoring the fact that she had missed the beginning of girl's part. That now I'm in a whole new world with youīuttercup found herself humming along as her crazy counterpart serenaded her. He gave her another grin and answered, "No," before jumping back into the song.īut when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear "Are…are you singing fucking Disney to me, Butch?" she asked, trying to wrap her head around what exactly Butch was doing. Her mouth hanging agape, Buttercup couldn't speak as he jumped into the second verse. Tell me, Powerpuff, now when did (She barely registered the fact that he had substituted 'Powerpuff' for 'princess', she was that shocked.)

powerpuff girl buttercup and butch

She pushed him off her windowsill and was about to close the window when Butch broke out in song. "We have school in four hours, you asswipe. "You woke me up at fucking three in the morning because you want to go somewhere," she said slowly, still staring at him in disbelief.Ĭovering her eyes, the green puff groaned. "Let's go somewhere," Butch said and Buttercup just stared at him. Resting his arms on the sill, he leaned forward conspiratorially, well into her personal bubble. Grinning widely, her counterpart floated up to her window. "What the fuck do you fucking want, Butch?" "WHOEVER IS-Butch?" She gaped at the boy floating a few feet below her window and then groaned. She threw it open and caught the rock that had been thrown. Throwing her pillow at Bubbles, who had fallen back to sleep, Buttercup made her way to the window. "Buttercup, go see who is throwing those rocks and make them stop!" Blossom growled in the most demonic sounding voice said green puff had ever heard come from her usually well-mannered sister. Of course, threatening mentally didn't do much and the raven-haired teen was pressing her pillow securely over her head when her "eldest" sister growled. And whoever it was was going to be in a world of hurt if they didn't stop. Someone had to be throwing rocks at their window. The taps continued through their whole conversation and Buttercup was starting to growl. "Well, if a storm's bad enough…" Bubbles said drowsily.

powerpuff girl buttercup and butch

"Besides, the weather channel didn't call for storms!" "It's late May, why the hell would it be hailing?" the green puff snarled, her voice somewhat muffled. "It's not hailing, is it?" Bubbles' sleepy voice asked from across the room and Buttercup folded her pillow around her head. There was a good two minutes of silence before another tap came from the window. Whatever that was, she wasn't going to check it. Grumbling darkly, Buttercup pulled her blankets over her head. It was three in the morning when the first tap came from the window. 8/30/11-Now has a Blues companion, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? Companion piece to Kiss the Girl.Įdit: Fixed some mistakes in the lyrics. Disclaimer: I do not own Powerpuff Girls.

Powerpuff girl buttercup and butch